Does the dish need to be cooled or can it be room temperature?

When using a draft beer cooler or beer dispensing system , the beer does not have to stand cold, the beer is cooled in the draught beer cooler and the beer is kept cold and fresh all the way to the tap when serving. It is possible to store the keg in a cold room or refrigerator that keeps the right temperature and the tap tower is adjacent to the drum so you can do an installation without coolers.

If a party pump or installation is used without cooling, the tray must be properly cooled for 24-48 hours before serving and then kept cool ed during serving standing in ice or similar to avoid problems with foaming during serving. The tray should also never stand in direct sunlight

Under the category "complete packages" there are several packages with or without cooling for all occasions, you need help or have questions so contact us and we will be happy to help.

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